import { MenuTheme } from 'antd/es/menu'; export type ContentWidth = 'Fluid' | 'Fixed'; export interface localeProps { key: string; icon: string; label: string; } export interface DefaultSettings { /** * theme for nav menu */ navTheme: MenuTheme; /** * primary color of ant design 默认#1890FF */ primaryColor: string; /** * nav menu position: `sidemenu` or `topmenu` */ layout: 'sidemenu' | 'topmenu'; /** * layout of content: `Fluid` or `Fixed`, only works when layout is topmenu */ contentWidth: ContentWidth; /** * sticky header */ fixedHeader: boolean; /** * auto hide header */ autoHideHeader: boolean; /** * sticky siderbar */ fixSiderbar: boolean; menu: { locale: boolean }; title: string; pwa: boolean; // Your custom iconfont Symbol script Url // eg:// // 注意:如果需要图标多色,Iconfont 图标项目里要进行批量去色处理 // Usage: iconfontUrl: string; colorWeak: boolean; /** * 只有一种语言的时候,系统固话成一个语言,无导航栏选择框 */ locales: localeProps[]; } export default { navTheme: 'dark', primaryColor: '#13C2C2', layout: 'sidemenu', contentWidth: 'Fluid', fixedHeader: true, autoHideHeader: false, fixSiderbar: true, colorWeak: false, menu: { locale: true, }, title: 'KIM3.0平台业务架构', pwa: false, iconfontUrl: '', locales: [ { key: 'zh-CN', label: '简体中文', icon: '🇨🇳' }, // { key: 'zh-TW', label: '繁体中文', icon: '🇭🇰' }, { key: 'en-US', label: 'English', icon: '🇬🇧' }, // { key: 'pt-BR', label: 'Português', icon: '🇧🇷' }, ], } as DefaultSettings;