import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'; import { Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { RouteContext, GridContent } from '@ant-design/pro-layout'; import { connect } from 'dva'; import { Button, Menu, Dropdown, Icon, Row, Col, Steps, Card, Popover, PageHeader, Badge, Table, Tooltip, Divider, Typography, Tabs, } from 'antd'; import { TabsProps } from 'antd/es/tabs'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import DescriptionList from './DescriptionList'; import styles from './style.less'; import { AdvancedProfileData } from './data'; const { Step } = Steps; const { Description } = DescriptionList; const ButtonGroup = Button.Group; const getWindowWidth = () => window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; const menu = ( 选项一 选项二 选项三 ); const action = ( ); const extra = (
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); const description = ( 曲丽丽 XX 服务 2017-07-07 12421 2017-07-07 ~ 2017-08-08 请于两个工作日内确认 ); /** * render Footer tabList * In order to be compatible with the old version of the PageHeader * basically all the functions are implemented. */ const RenderFooter = ({ tabList, tabActiveKey, onTabChange, tabBarExtraContent, }: { tabList: Array<{ tab: string; key: string; }>; tabActiveKey?: string; onTabChange?: (key: string) => void; tabBarExtraContent?: TabsProps['tabBarExtraContent']; }) => { return tabList && tabList.length ? ( { if (onTabChange) { onTabChange(key); } }} tabBarExtraContent={tabBarExtraContent} > { => ( ))} ) : null; }; const desc1 = (
2016-12-12 12:32
); const desc2 = (
); const popoverContent = (
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); const customDot = ( dot: React.ReactNode, { status, }: { status: string; }, ) => status === 'process' ? ( {dot} ) : ( dot ); const operationTabList = [ { key: 'tab1', tab: '操作日志一', }, { key: 'tab2', tab: '操作日志二', }, { key: 'tab3', tab: '操作日志三', }, ]; const columns = [ { title: '操作类型', dataIndex: 'type', key: 'type', }, { title: '操作人', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name', }, { title: '执行结果', dataIndex: 'status', key: 'status', render: (text: string) => text === 'agree' ? ( ) : ( ), }, { title: '操作时间', dataIndex: 'updatedAt', key: 'updatedAt', }, { title: '备注', dataIndex: 'memo', key: 'memo', }, ]; @connect( ({ BLOCK_NAME_CAMEL_CASE, loading, }: { BLOCK_NAME_CAMEL_CASE: AdvancedProfileData; loading: { effects: { [key: string]: boolean }; }; }) => ({ BLOCK_NAME_CAMEL_CASE, loading: loading.effects['BLOCK_NAME_CAMEL_CASE/fetchAdvanced'], }), ) class PAGE_NAME_UPPER_CAMEL_CASE extends Component< { loading: boolean; BLOCK_NAME_CAMEL_CASE: AdvancedProfileData; dispatch: Dispatch }, { operationKey: string; stepDirection: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'; } > { public state: { operationKey: string; stepDirection: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'; } = { operationKey: 'tab1', stepDirection: 'horizontal', }; componentDidMount() { const { dispatch, BLOCK_NAME_CAMEL_CASE } = this.props; dispatch({ type: 'BLOCK_NAME_CAMEL_CASE/fetchAdvanced', }); this.setStepDirection(); window.addEventListener('resize', this.setStepDirection, { passive: true }); } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.setStepDirection); } onOperationTabChange = (key: string) => { this.setState({ operationKey: key }); }; setStepDirection = () => { const { stepDirection } = this.state; const w = getWindowWidth(); if (stepDirection !== 'vertical' && w <= 576) { this.setState({ stepDirection: 'vertical', }); } else if (stepDirection !== 'horizontal' && w > 576) { this.setState({ stepDirection: 'horizontal', }); } }; render() { const { stepDirection, operationKey } = this.state; const { BLOCK_NAME_CAMEL_CASE, loading } = this.props; const { advancedOperation1, advancedOperation2, advancedOperation3 } = BLOCK_NAME_CAMEL_CASE; const contentList = { tab1: ( ), tab2: (
), tab3: (
), }; return ( {value => { return ( <> 单号:234231029431 } style={{ margin: -24, }} extra={action} footer={ } >
{description} {extra}
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); }}
); } } export default PAGE_NAME_UPPER_CAMEL_CASE;