A group is a collection of several projects.
If you organize your projects under a group, it works like a folder.
You can manage your group member’s permissions and access to each project in the group.
尼米亚猛狮(希腊语:Λεον Νεμειος,拉丁语:Leo Nemeum,英语:Nemean Lion)是希腊神话中的巨狮。据说它的皮坚逾金铁,刀枪不能入。“尼米亚”三字源于它常年盘踞的尼米亚地方(Nemea)。该地一马平川,位于阿卡迪亚山脉东面。
If you organize your projects under a group, it works like a folder.
You can manage your group member’s permissions and access to each project in the group.
There are no projects shared with this group yet
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