Commit eef888f6 authored by super-lin0's avatar super-lin0


parent dc153f11
Pipeline #153 canceled with stages
# create-umi
# create-nemean
Creates a UmiJS application/plugin/block/library using the command line.
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## Usage
$ yarn create umi [appName]
$ yarn create nemean [appName]
## Boilerplates
* `ant-design-pro` - Create project with a layout-only ant-design-pro boilerplate, use together with umi block.
* `app ` - Create project with a simple boilerplate, support typescript.
* `block ` - Create a umi block.
* `library ` - Create a library with umi.
* `plugin ` - Create a umi plugin.
- `ant-design-pro` - Create project with a layout-only ant-design-pro boilerplate, use together with umi block.
- `app` - Create project with a simple boilerplate, support typescript.
- `block` - Create a umi block.
- `library` - Create a library with umi.
- `plugin` - Create a umi plugin.
## Usage Example
$ yarn create umi
$ yarn create nemean
? Select the boilerplate type (Use arrow keys)
ant-design-pro - Create project with a layout-only ant-design-pro boilerplate, use together with umi block.
......@@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ $ yarn create umi
## FAQ
### `yarn create umi` command failed
### `yarn create nemean` command failed
这个问题基本上都是因为没有添加 yarn global module 的路径到 PATH 环境变量引起的。
......@@ -77,19 +75,19 @@ $ yarn global bin
你也可以尝试用 npm,
$ npm create umi
$ npm create nemean appName
或者手动安装 create-umi,并执行他,
或者手动安装 create-nemean,并执行他,
$ npm install create-umi -g
$ create-umi
$ npm install create-nemean -g
$ create-nemean
## Questions & Suggestions
Please open an issue [here](
Please open an issue [here](
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const getGithubUrl = async () => {
// if (fastGithub === '') {
// return '';
// }
return ';
return '';
const PRO_PATH = process.env.INIT_CWD || process.env.npm_rootpath || process.cwd();
"name": "create-nemean",
"version": "0.0.20",
"version": "0.0.21",
"description": "Creates a UmiJS application using the command line.",
"homepage": "",
"bugs": {
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