const debug = require('debug')('create-umi:generator'); const BasicGenerator = require('../../BasicGenerator'); class Generator extends BasicGenerator { prompting() { if (this.opts.args && 'isTypeScript' in this.opts.args && 'reactFeatures' in this.opts.args) { this.prompts = { isTypeScript: this.opts.args.isTypeScript, reactFeatures: this.opts.args.reactFeatures, }; } else { const prompts = [ { name: 'isTypeScript', type: 'confirm', message: 'Do you want to use typescript?', default: false, }, { name: 'reactFeatures', message: 'What functionality do you want to enable?', type: 'checkbox', choices: [ {name: 'antd', value: 'antd'}, {name: 'dva', value: 'dva'}, {name: 'code splitting', value: 'dynamicImport'}, {name: 'dll', value: 'dll'}, {name: 'internationalization', value: 'locale'}, ], }, ]; return this.prompt(prompts).then(props => { this.prompts = props; }); } } writing() { this.writeFiles({ context: { name:, ...this.prompts, }, filterFiles: f => { const { isTypeScript, reactFeatures } = this.prompts; if (isTypeScript) { if (f.endsWith('.js')) return false; if (!reactFeatures.includes('dva')) { if (f.startsWith('src/models') || f === 'src/app.ts') return false; } if (!reactFeatures.includes('locale')) { if (f.startsWith('src/locales') || f.includes('umi-plugin-locale')) return false; } } else { if (this.isTsFile(f)) return false; if (!reactFeatures.includes('dva')) { if (f.startsWith('src/models') || f === 'src/app.js') return false; } if (!reactFeatures.includes('locale')) { if (f.startsWith('src/locales') || f.includes('umi-plugin-locale')) return false; } } return true; }, }); } } module.exports = Generator;